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The Neuroscience of Future Visioning (And Why It Works)
When you see your future, you give your brain the evidence it needs to take go from uncertain, paralyzed stagnancy, to empowered, inspired, and authentic action-taking. Your brain craves certainty like a compass seeks true north, designed over millennia through the delicate process of evolution to keep you safe from harm. It's a masterful risk calculator, weighing every choice against your very real, past lived experiences. Do this, don’t do that, stay alive, find safety, shelter, social security, and sustenance. You can thanks to this ancient and perpetual process—it's how you've survived to read these words.
What Abraham-Hicks Gets Wrong (And A Bunch of Things They Get Right)
I thought manifesting my dreams was as simple as rearranging my thoughts, writing down an elaborately specific list, and trusting the Universe to deliver. Spoiler alert: Manifesting is not as simple as clicking your sparkly heals three times and muttering an elaborate incantation. In my quest to discover how to actually magnetize my dreams into my life is that there was a certain level of nuance missing in the guidance of Abraham-Hicks. And that missing link is the real world application. So, here are my personal hot takes on how to manifest in way that feels really, truly, intuitively right to you.
The Issue Isn’t Empathy, It’s Compassion (And The 6 Steps To Build It)
As I watched people around me suffering and accidentally inflicting harm despite what they preached (myself included), I knew we needed more than just theories and research—we needed real, lasting solutions. On a personal level, I needed a path to real change and empathy just simply wasn’t cutting it.
10 Self-Help Books That Will Actually Change Your Life (And What They All Have in Common)
To all the high-achieving burnt-out Libby superfans whose Kindle library looks like a spiritual wellness hoarder’s fever dream: I see you. Between the unfinished Brené Brown manifestos and that one Eckhart Tolle book you’ve been “about to start” since 2020, you’ve got enough partially-read self-help books to wallpaper a meditation cave. You’ve got the bibliophile ritual down to an exact science at this point.
5 Signs Your Job Isn’t Aligned (And The 3 Steps Shift)
Before you read any further, let’s get real honest about one simple truth—the fact that you’re here and reading this is the only confirmation you need that your job and current moment in your career is out of alignment. You just—how to put this delicately—want an affirmation, a permission slip of an excuse to confirm what your intuition already knows.
Now, before we get into the signs you’ve hit the cosmic corporate crossroads and dive into the process of recalibration, this migraine glitch you’re experiencing in your career (whether it’s your 9-5, 5-9, 24/7, spiritual quest, or all of the above) means one of three things.
You’re Getting Ghosted Because You’re Ghosting Your Intuition
Tired of getting ghosted? It's not your text game —it's your intuition trying to tell you what you’ve missed. If you're spending hours crafting the perfect message (group chat approved, of course) only to end up disappointed with nothing but cricket, this one's for you. Learn how to stop ignoring those gut feelings, trust your inner yes and no, and start attracting connections that feel genuinely exciting instead of anxiety-inducing. No more casting every Hinge match in your personal Hallmark movie - it's time to let your authentic self be the main character of your own love story.
Why the Yoga Retreat Changed Your Life (But Made You Feel Worse)
Your left eyelid won't stop twitching, you're squeaking "I'm fine" like a possessed Ross Geller, and your morning meditation feels like gentle parenting inner demons who are redecorating your mental kitchen with paint. Meanwhile, your retreat group chat is flooding with their-best-dream-life success stories while you're stuck in eat-pray-love-to-stress-eat mode.
Did the 6-day yoga retreat in paradise ruin your life? Or is this whole being a failure thing really a you problem?
(Spoiler alert: neither, but we'll get to that.)
The 10 Signs of an Intuitive Awakening: Group Chat Edition.
Join four millennial friends on their 10-day journey from skeptics to seekers as they uncover the secret language of intuition through their unfiltered group chat. From corporate burnout to manifestation success, their story captures the raw, messy, and often hilarious reality of spiritual awakening in the digital age.
No One Knows What They're Doing (This Is A Good Thing)
Follow Ashley’s corporate professional journey from breaking down in tears on Manhattan's Lower East Side to discovering a liberating truth: no one has life completely figured out. After quitting her soul-crushing job with no backup plan, Ashley learns that trusting your intuition is the real key to navigating life's uncertainties, not following someone else's formula for success. This personal story illustrates how embracing the unknown while following your inner guidance can lead to unexpected but fulfilling paths.
Embrace the Chaos, It Will Make You More Intuitive (Stage 4, 5, and 6 of Intuitive Development)
It turns out Miley Cyrus was right — in order to really trust yourself and your intuition, you need to accept that nobody’s perfect. Even better, humans truly despise perfection. Just look to the Uncanny Valley for proof.
The more you commit to learning by messing it up and getting it wrong, the more confident you’ll actually start to be that you do and will continue to trust that intuitive knowing. You see, resistance, discomfort, doubt, and uncertainty are low-key THE KEY to not only trusting your intuition more, but profoundly trusting yourself.
So You’re Intuitive, But Do You Really Trust Your Intuition? (Stage 1, 2, and 3 of Intuitive Development)
Everyone and their Instagram lifestyle coach will tell you to "trust your intuition," like it's as simple as downloading a next gen GPS app.
But nowhere in these perfectly coiffed Instagram posts is there any instruction about how to trust you’re intuitive, trust the information you get from your intuition, or trust yourself to navigate through the uncertainty knowing it’s all going to be alright.
Meet the Five Spiritual Parts of Self, The Board of The Selves Inc.
Subject: Re: Selves Inc. Board Application—Ashley B. Jones
Hello Ashley,
We hope this message finds you well.
After careful consideration, we are excited to extend an offer for you to join Selves Inc. as a full-time Board Member.
Four Signs You Trust Your Intuition
How many times a day do you think, “Ugh! I just wish someone would tell me what to do so that [insert current world you’re literally itching for or outcome your deeply craving and desiring]!” There’s so much buzz all the time, about why everyone seems to be constantly going through a (mid? quarter?) life crisis. There’s oodles upon noodles of advice, like book after tv show after podcast after webinar about what you should do. Which is great data but also overwhelming. How do you synthesize it? And how is anyone to figure out what exactly to do?
Navigating The Cycle of Transformation
When it comes down to it, forced change < chosen change. It’s because when you have a choice, you have control and options. Unfortunately, the most infuriating truth I’ve realized as a professional intuitive guide, psychic, coach, and healer is that no one can, without a shred of doubt, predict the future. But there is a pattern to it.
Anxiety vs. Intuition: So sorry, who’s talking?
It’s an oversimplification to say that intuition whispers and anxiety shouts. To really figure out the difference so you can make empowered, life-changingly magical decisions, you’re going to have to adventure into the realms of yourself. It’s the only way you’re going to really, deeply and truly know what you’re doing and what you’re choosing is right for you. Like, upending your life and moving to rome.
An Ode to The Triple P Club
I’ve spent my entire life feeling pulled by an invisible chord wrapped snuggly around my heart.
There are countless moments when it’s plucked inexplicably, like someone reached down my throat and vibrated it. Shhh, listen. This.
Loops vs. Spirals: How To Get Unstuck
Head in your hands, frigid water streaming down your face, you’re not sure how you ended up here again with all your hope of meeting The One pooled pathetically on the shower floor. What did you miss?