The 10 Signs of an Intuitive Awakening: Group Chat Edition.
What started as a wine-soaked group chat spiraled into a 10-day spiritual awakening that left four burned-out millennial friends questioning the fabric of reality itself. Their recovered text messages read like a collective fever dream, punctuated with crying emojis and ALL CAPS epiphanies.
There's Ashley, the Goop-obsessed corporate refugee who'd rather book a $200 sound bath than admit she's one meditation app away from a meltdown. Taylor, whose razor-sharp skepticism meets its match when the universe starts delivering coincidences with the precision of a cosmic UPS driver. Liza, drowning in hospital politics and "quick favor" requests until manifestation literally slides into her LinkedIn DMs. And Abigail, the hyper-analytical fact-checker whose carefully constructed worldview shatters like a Mercury-in-retrograde mirror.
Their messages evolve from happy hour planning and astrology meme-sharing into something deeper – frantic 3AM revelations, screenshots of angel numbers appearing everywhere, and the dawning realization that the universe has been furiously waving at them through synchronized signs and symbols all along. What unfolds is either a shared delusion brought on by too much screen time and kombucha, or their first glimpse at the matrix of meaning hiding in plain sight.
DAY 1: Just Ordinary Girls In an Ordinary World... PSYCHE!
[Ashley started a group chat]
[Ashley added Liza, Abigail, and Taylor]
[Ashley named the group chat: Le Emotional Support Girlies 😭👍🫠]
@Ashley: hi hi hi... very important question, is anyone else feeling like really weird and off lately or is it just me? Are the planets doing something? Did someone spike the water at the gym when we were working out last night with a psychedelic substance?
A girl feels weird. Like my mind feels like some weird globby goop and every time I walk into the office or Trader Joe’s, I want to literally crawl out of my skin. I had to blast Taylor's "this is me trying" on repeat just to make it through my morning meeting. Some please advise so I can either control alt delete these dystopian vibes faster than Abigail ignores red flags (sorryyy) or pay a little visit to the Psychic across the street (not trying to get cursed SOS someone pleaseeeee) 🙏
@Liza: OMG YES. I was literally was about to message the group about this! I woke up this morning and had to park it on the couch for 30-minutes. I just stared into nothingness like the Bella montage in Twilight after Edward leaves. I almost missed my CorePower class.
@Taylor: Guys. You're probs just having a day.
[Sent Daddy Chill Calm Down Gif]
@Abigail: Taylor, stop hating. First, Ashley and Liza are fully valid. Second, my CoStar AND Snapchat horoscope both said something would be amiss.
@Ashley: OKAY!!! SEEE. I'm not crazy. You all get me minus Taylor.
Tay, maybe YOU should see the psychic instead of me. The first time I went it kinda low-key blew my mind.
@Taylor: Ha! Funny.
DAY 2: Hello? This is The Universe Paging.
@Ashley: NOPE! I still feel weird. This is day 2. Like… I walked into Joe and The Juice and I just stood there for legit 8 minutes because I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to eat.
It got super awkward and then the hostess asked if I wanted to try their new special which, the number 11.
She was giving me the weirdest look probs because I’d been standing their like a glazed cactus short circuiting.
Obviously I just said yes but also 11:11 and number 11??
[Sent Incredibles Paranoid Teacher GIF]
@Liza: Currently sitting in my car outside my office having an existential crisis because I can't make myself walk into my night shift at the ER. Then, What’s Up by the 4 Non Blondes came on a a tear literally slipped out of my eyeball. I’m so tired. 🙃
@Abigail: Also, I woke up at exactly 2:22 last night and then I had 222 unread emails this morning and from what I read, these repeating numbers are actually called angel numbers and are a form of synchronicity.
Like The Universe or God or Your Guardian Angel or something sliding into your DMs but make it ✨celestial✨
@Ashley: Y’all maybe this is The Universe telling me I need to finally quit my job 👀
@Taylor: The chaos. Tbh I just think you all are just tired and don’t like your jobs.
@Liza: Wait… I just saw 333 AND 888 on two license plates. Do I also need to quit my job? Ash, should we do it together???
@Abigail: Mercury is about to be retrograde…
DAY 3: There’s Been an Energy Crash on Aisle Three
@Liza: … I slept through CorePower this morning. Straight through my alarm. I’m not okay. I literally got 10 hours of sleep and I’m still exhausted.
I got a coffee and it’s 4pm. I never get coffee. You all know this about me.
@Taylor: … are you okay
@Abigail: Oh no! Yeah, she’s definitely not okay. According to my extensive TikTok research (and that one CHANI podcast episode), when you start listening to The Universe it's normal to be tired.
@Ashley: I called into work sick. I’m sleeping all day so if I don’t answer ‘tis why. I have no motivation. I’m exhausted. Bye.
@Taylor: Okay, rest is good. Maybe also read Atomic Habits or doing a juice cleanse will revive you?
@Taylor: Hello?
@Liza: UGH! I can’t make our Jamie Fraser’s Fan Club tonight to catch the last episode Outlander. The on call nurse ask be to do a little quick favor and now I’m stuck here covering for an extra 4 hours because someone called out sick 😭
[React emojis: 😩3, 💩2]
DAY 4: Dream Scape is Full of Prophetic Transmissions
@Ashley: you guys!! had the WILDEST dream last night and it was so vivid. Okay, ready?
I was standing in the middle of the Library of Alexandria except it looked like the buried Library in Avatar the Last Airbender.
All of a sudden, this hawk flew straight into my face and screeched, “YOU’LL FIND THE ANSWER WHEN YOU SET YOURSELF FREE” and then it started pecking out my eyes… but it felt cathartic?
And then my eighth grade English Teacher told me to word vomit so I puked up my childhood diary and then the hawk grabbed it, shook its tail in my face and flew away, pooping little gold coins…
@Taylor: Dude… what?
@Liza: I keep dreaming that there’s an apocalypse happening and I’m just trying to save as many people as possible but every time I try to do CPR my arms literally turn to stone…
@Abigail: Okay, so I researched it (obviously) and APPARENTLY your subconscious can pick up on spiritual messages…
@Taylor: Maybe it’s because you don’t fee like you’re having the impact you want to be at your job rn, Liza.
And Ash, maybe you need to start journaling again? And you’ll get more money once you quit your job?
@Ashley: Wait… actually this is kinda spot on.
@Liza: I just bought a pendulum at Whole Foods yesterday (it was speaking to me) and it’s swinging forward and back. I think that mean Taylor’s right.
@Taylor: [Sent Frustrated Ryan Gosling GIF]
@Abigail: [Sent I’m Not Saying It’s Witchcraft Meme]
DAY 5: Body Sensitivity is Dialed Up to Max
@Liza: Can't do crowds anymore. Everything feels intense?? Had to leave the Beyonce vs Taylor pin class early because the energy was giving me supreme anxiety. Everything was so loud.
@Taylor: Did you buy the Loop headphones? I’ve heard they help.
@Ashley: Maybe it’s time to do Yin Yoga. I’ve heard it’s extremely relaxing and helps you connect to your inner voice. And maybe running outside?
@Abigail: Had to leave Target yesterday. The energy was too intense. Not even those Binaural Beats on noise cancelling mode with my Airpods helped.
[Liza changed the Group Chat name: Are we okay??? 🥴🐸🕳️]
@Ashley: Standing room concerts are impossible now. Tried to see Hozier last night with GA tickets and nearly crawled out of my skin. Left before the encore to sit in my car which means I missed Take Me To Church and Cherry Wine. I’M SO SAD.
@Taylor: Honestly, randomly through out the day I keep feeling like my heart is going to rip out of my chest and I’m one second away from an eye twitching meltdown. This never happens. I’m never like this.
@Ashley: Have you tried box breathing? Like in for 4, hold for 4, out for 4, hold for 4? Goop says it’s like the ultimate life saver.
DAY 6: Energetic Boundaries Are The New Black
@Liza: Just cancelled on my coworker's birthday party tonight. There’s no way I can spend four hours while everyone gets wasted to Mr. Brightside on repeat.
@Ashley: When my favorite coffee shop started playing You Can’t Always Get What You Want, I had to flee the premises. I felt like I was being scolded by The Universe.
@Taylor: Not going to lie but Do Not Disturb is my new bestie. Even turned off my BeReal notifications.
@Liza: You WHAT??? Who are you and what have you done with my best friend Taylor?
@Abigail: Look at us, y’all. Our energetic boundaries are becoming more refined. I saw this quote on Insta today that said, “If you can’t trust your no, you can’t trust your yes.” We’re not being dramatic, we’re developing discernment.
@Ashley: Lol us setting one boundary like.
[Sent I’m Through Being A Nice Girl Image]
@Taylor: What Cosmo article is this from?
@Abigail: It’s actually Brené Brown, okay? And it’s true. We’re trusting ourselves this is bound to happen.
[Sent Image]
@Ashley: … do I need to get back into Therapy?
DAY 7: You Just Can't Stop the Knowings (No Matter How Hard You Try).
@Abigail: The CRAZIEST thing happened today. I took one look at my coworker this morning after her birthday party and Just KNEW she was quitting. And then she announced it.
@Ashley: I went down a literal TikTok Rabbit Hole about this. Abi, you’d be proud. I think it’s why I can’t do crowds. I keep see the word empath everywhere and y’all, I’m like definitely an empath.
I also need to say it.
I’m miserable.
I hate my job.
Like so much.
Every time my boss is about to call me for a status update, my ears start ringing. I made a doctor’s appointment. What if it’s tinnitus? But that would be weird. Maybe it was the Hozier concert but it literally only happens before my boss calls.
@Taylor: You can’t ignore it?
@Ashley: Lol no, I tried.
@Liza: … I think I’m about to get laid off.
[React emojis: ⁉️3]
@Ashley: I’m working from home again, let me grab my sparkly new oracle deck.
I pulled the New Journey card.
@Liza: Omg.
@Abigail: [Sent Zach Galifianakis Algorithm GIF]
@Taylor: I think it’s pretty clear.
Liza, do you need help editing your CV?
DAY 8: Cosmic DJ Keeps Coming To the Rescue
@Taylor: I think this group chat has cast some spooky spell on my life. You know how I function with Spotify on shuffle and literally every time my mom is about to call, Joni Mitchell’s plays "Big Yellow Taxi" comes on.
Exactly when she croons, “you don't know what you've got till it's gone.”
It’s been three days in the row.
@Ashley: Currently scrolling on LinkedIN and setting up a bajillion coffee dates. I’m deciding who to DM based on what song is in my headphones. A high school music classic, “I Gotta Go My Own Way” = yes. “this is me trying” = NO.
I can’t believe I’m going to quit.
@Liza: I think Spotify knows we’re unwell.
@Taylor: Let me hold your finger while I tell you this…
[Sent Ariana Grande Clutching Cynthia Erivo Finger GIF]
@Ashley: Is this what my new therapist meant when she said I actually had to feel my feeling instead of just intellectualizing them…
I just put in my two weeks.
Landslide just came on.
Did I make a mistake.
Maybe I can rescind my two weeks?
Oh god.
@Taylor: She’s spiraling.
@Ashley: [Sent Sheldon Meltdown GIF]
@Abigail: No, Ash! It’s going to be okay.
@Taylor: Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've built my life around you.
Idk who I’ve become but I believe it’s all going to be okay even if it sucks booty right now.
DAY 9: Take the Nonsensical Leap of Faith
@Ashley: Soooooooo I’m going to Peru for two weeks in a week on a Past Life Regression retreat in the Andes. I just booked my flight. 🫣
@Abigail: OMG! Omg? That’s… sudden… But exciting!?
@Taylor: Take me with you!
@Abigail: Did you join a cult?
@Taylor: nvm
@Ashley: No! I just need to go somewhere completely new. This feels right, I don’t know how to explain it other than it just does!
@Liza: I just applied to my dream job! My clinical instructor from my first hospital rotation just messaged me on LinkedIn saying there’s an opening at her hospital? I’m shooketh. The pay is better. The team literally the dream and it’s a closer commute. I’m telling you guys isn’t jinxing it because 1) I can’t ruin what’s meant for and me this job is? maybe??? 2) I already heard back about a first interview.
@Ashley: Okay Universe! Okay Liza! Okay synchronistic timing and cosmic opportunities!
@Taylor: Guys, the UPS delivery person just randomly handed me a book called The Alchemist because he tripped on it coming into my building and I’m the first person to answer the door? So it was for me?
@Abigail: You never work from home and the one day you do, this! See! The Universe is speaking to us.
[Sent Salt Bae Universe Magic GIF]
@Taylor: I think it’s sus. And yet, I’m becoming a believer.
@Liza: who is she???
@Ashley: 🥺
@Taylor: Maybe I’ll finally tell Brandon to stop sliding into my DMs like clock work to see if “I’m up” 🙄
DAY 10: Everything Feels Profoundly Coated in Magic
@Liza: I love you all.
@Abigail: So Gwyneth Paltrow was on a Betches podcast I just listened to and she mentioned this book called The Untethered Soul that’s all about observing your mind and surrendering to life. She also talked all about her intuition and mediumship and how it’s the foundation to living your best life. Bruh. This is crazy.
@Ashley: Not me realizing as I get on this plane right now that everything is magic. Goop is always giving the people what they need when they need it.
@Liza: Have you heard about the Law of Attraction? Apparently, if you right down everything that you want, fully believe it’s going to happen, and then visualize it, will.
Maybe it will get me a new job 🧐
@Abigail: Omg YES! Also grab crystals and rose quartz. Apparently they help!
@Taylor: Honestly, I know I was skeptical, but meditating daily is kinda changing my life.
[Abigail changed the Group Chat name: Magical Baddies Living Their Best Life]
@Liza: Today is a MAGNIFICENT DAY!
@Abigail: Have so much fun astral traveling nude in the rainforest, Ashley!
[React emojis: 🧘♀️1, 🚀 2, 🐸1, 🍄3]
@Ashley: Pinned A Message ✨
Y'all! I just took this intuition archetype quiz while I’m waiting in the airport for the retreat guide who’s leading the retreat (not Buzzfeed but giving those vibes) and got The Observer.
Plot twist: Apparently, we’ve been having what’s called an Intuitive Awakening! We’re not crazy!
Everything - the weird feelings, synchronicities, dreams - it's all part of learning the Universe's secret language. That ear ringing? It's called clairaudience - receiving intuitive messages through sound. Not tinnitus after all!
@Abigail: Link?
@Ashley: Do you trust your intuition? Take this free 30-second quiz to find out!
@Abigail: Got The Protector! Turns out intuition is incredibly multi-layered, which makes SO much sense. And those anxiety spikes we’ve been having, Tay? Apparently, totally normal when you start tuning in.
@Ashley: [Sent Liz Lemon Epiphany GIF]
@Taylor: The Skeptic. Fitting. But maybe working with my nervous system isn't the worst idea. Tired of jumping when my cat knocks stuff over.
@Liza: This chat saved my sanity 😭 AND I GOT THE JOB!
@Ashley: LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!
@Taylor: Maybe trusting your intuition is actually the key to... liking your life?
[React emojis: 🎉 3, 💃 2]