Four Signs You Trust Your Intuition
Why is it important to trust your intuition?
How many times a day do you think, “Ugh! I just wish someone would tell me what to do so that [insert current world you’re literally itching for or outcome your deeply craving and desiring]!”
… so that I can find the love of my life!
… so that I can make six-figure plus and not hate my life or my job!
… so that I could figure out if I want to stay renting in the city or buy in the suburbs!
… so that I can figure out if I should schedule a one-on-one with my manager or just submit my two weeks’ notice!
You get the idea.
There’s so much buzz all the time, about why everyone seems to be constantly going through a (mid? quarter?) life crisis. There’s oodles upon noodles of advice, like book after tv show after podcast after webinar about what you should do. Which is great data but also overwhelming. How do you synthesize it? And how is anyone to figure out what exactly to do?
You see, rarely do you hear these self-proclaimed self-help gurus actually preach about what you want to do, why you want to do it, and if it feels right to you.
It’s … not the easy answer. Falling in love with yourself and getting what you deeply desire is (unfortunately) more complicated than an easy, one-size-fits-all answer.
There’s not a foolproof five-step process that’ll help anyone create any outcome, from manifesting your soulmate to waking up to an extra $50k in your bank account.
Figuring that out takes more time than a 30-second movie-montage of a 12-step morning routine.
The truth is, in order to get what you want, you have to figure out why you want it, and how to get there in a way that feels right to you.
And that, my new friends, is what your intuition has been itching and waiting to help you do.
What is intuition?
Intuition is subtle information you perceive about your internal and external world in the present moment. It is how your soul communicates to you what is right for you and what isn’t.
Artist Unknown.
Intuition sends trickles (and floods) of information to you about what’s currently happening and what to do about it, stoking the flames of the freedom you’re seeking.
It comes from the unconscious and synthesizes information you didn’t even realize you were picking up on.
To that end, it is also the language of the Self. Your intuition is the line of communication between present you (the Inner Self) and the other four Spiritual Parts of you (the Younger Self, Higher Self, Shadow Self, and Future Self).
It is a map and compass that offers information about how to create the life you want and feel peaceful, confident, and content while doing it.
I know, your intuition is so beyond talented.
It’s the best tool (IMO) to confidently make decisions, feel happy and peaceful within, design the dream life you’re eagerly anticipating, and believe in all of it.
Why? Because your intuition is the direct line of communication to the most authentic you.
In my experience as a professional intuitive guide, healer, coach, and psychic, I can tell after one conversation with someone if they’re really tapped into their intuition or if they’re completely ignoring it.
I know this might make you audibly gasp in disbelief, but stuffing your bra with crystals and wearing a wide-brimmed hat while waxing poetic about the power of spirit guides does not necessarily mean someone’s connected to their intuition.
I’ve met many, many people that truly trust and are guided by their intuition that didn’t even know they were doing it.
What are the FOUR signs?
✨ Relationship with Self
How well do you know yourself? Like really? How deeply do you give yourself permission to experience what it means to be you?
You see, the depth to which you meet yourself is the depth to which you trust your intuition.
In order to know what you really want in life, you need to know who you are. And in order to know who you really are, you have to know what feels right to you.
Which means you gotta get to know all parts of you. Yes, I’m talking about all parts of you.
The ones that you want to boast loudly about to the world, the ones that feel tender and gooey in your chest, the ones you’ve locked safely away because they make you want to gag and run screaming, and the ones that feel so bright and shiny you wonder if they’re even possible.
You can go to therapy. You can go find yourself in the mountains of Colorado. You can break out the Ouija Board. You can Eat Pray Love your way to Bali.
No matter how you do it, in order to trust your intuition, you need a healthy relationship with all parts of you (not just the part that makes you go viral on TikTok or the one you’ve decided is red carpet ready).
You don’t need to 100% love and cherish every one of them. What healthy relationship doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out on occasion? No, like any healthy relationship, it’s about how you care for, nurture, and navigate conflict with yourself.
If the Golden Rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated, the Platinum Rule is to treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others.
The relationship with the self is about being kind and while also holding your different parts accountable. It’s also defined by your ability to accept that you’re not perfect.
I know, more annoying than being in the window seat and having to wake up the humans next to you when you have to pee.
You’d be hard pressed to find a single person on Earth who’s not a work in progress. The perfect you think exists doesn’t.
And when you learn to love and befriend (instead of fix) all the different parts of you, your relationship with your Self grows and so does your intuition. Why? Because you trust you, which means you trust your intuition.
🌲 Cultivation of Inner Embodiment
The more connected to and present in your body (aka embodied) you are, the stronger your intuition is and the more you trust it.
You see, existing in the scrambled egg zeitgeist that is modern society means living in the mind. To be thinking about… well, literally everything. All the time. We live in our heads.
It’s why memes like this exist. We’re always calculating possible outcomes. Trying to find the hidden clues on Reddit about if Ms. Swift’s recent outfit means she’s finally going to drop Reputation TV.
Processing more data through a tiny seven inch screen than some argue is healthy. In modern society, the vast majority of us live in our heads.
However, in order to trust your intuition, you need to feel safe inside your body and your body need to feel connected to the earth. This also means you need to be actually feel what your body is feeling and listening to the sensations and signals it’s sending.
That is, regulating your nervous system so you can stay present instead of control-alt-deleting every “unhelpful” feeling that comes up when anything remotely upsetting happens, zipping straight out of your body and floating above in it in those beautifully elaborate fantasy realms you’ve expertly crafted.
It’s not wrong—dissociation is an incredible emergency escape plan when you feel threatened. It’s just, when you’re not in your body, you can’t tell what feels safe and right to you.
The body is incredibly talented, you see—it picks up on all these subtle clues in our surroundings completely unconsciously. Then, it processes all that information and delivers it to the mind so we can make decisions based on what feels safe and right for us and our intuition.
Artist Unknown.
But in order to trust our intuition, we need to be connected to this exquisite sack of meat and bones that we call home. It’s not going to happen after just one Vinyasa yoga class led by a human-fairy named Serenity.
Yoga is a wonderful place to start, and also the cultivation of inner embodiment takes time, repetition, and patience.
It takes building your own personal tool box of skills and practices to help you come back to calm and safe even after a customer literally screams at you because their bagel didn’t have enough cream cheese.
It requires regulating your nervous system so you can return back to that baseline, feeling calm, safe, and present, quieting your anxiety.
That way, you can make empowered intuitive decisions confidently.
🌀 Trust in the Unknown
How comfortable are you with uncertainty?
When you trust your intuition and make decision based on what it’s shared with you, you are trusting in the unprovable, illogical, and uncertain.
You’re trust falling on yourself and the Universe.
Artist Unknown.
An unfortunate truth about being human is that nothing is promised and we are constantly dancing with chaos. I mean, a rogue meteor could hit Earth tomorrow and that could be the end of it. We just don’t know.
Trusting your intuition means taking leaps of faith, even though you have no proof that it really is all going to work out.
It means trusting the decisions you make based on what feels soul-shakingly right to you are really the right ones, regardless of the outcome.
When you trust in the unknown, there’s a grit and tenacity to you that you’re going to make it through and love yourself regardless whatever unexpected and unwanted circumstances that have the audacity to pop up out of nowhere.
It’s finding out you have a life-threatening cancer, taking the time to grieve and then committing to healing your mind, body, and spirit with the best that modern medicine and holistic healing modalities have to offer even though it’s unorthodox and then going into remission a year later.
When you trust in the unknown, you know you are and will be okay, even when you’re not okay right now.
It’s quitting your job that’s literally making you sick from stress because it feels right and trusting that somehow it’s going to work out in your favor and that you’re going to find a job that not only pays you a living wage but also allows you to sleep, have a social life, go on vacation, workout, and feed yourself.
When you trust in the unknown, there’s this superhero-like confidence that radiates off of you.
It’s strutting up to the cocktail bar for your blind date in your favorite red dress knowing that not only are you a catch, wonderful, interesting, funny, and intelligent, but if it’s trash, you can say thanks, get up, walk out, and go meet your friends for a night of dancing.
The truth is, sometimes life works out the way we want it to and sometimes it doesn’t.
True trust in your intuition comes from an inexplicable knowing that life is working out for you and that you will make it through even if you don’t know how—because you trust in the unknown and you find your freedom in the surrender to it.
⚖️ Conscious Independent Discernment
Are you choosing what you want and what you do based on what feels right to you? Or are you just doing what everyone else recommends and says you should do?
Conscious Independent Discernment is a mix of the previous three signs you trust your intuition.
Mariano Peccinetti.
Conscious Independent Discernment means sorting through all the data you’ve collected (everything you know about yourself, what feels safe in your body, and what feels like a leap of faith into the unknown) comparing and contrasting that data, and then confidently declaring yes or no depending on what feels right to you and what doesn’t.
It means making decisions and taking action based on your values, your code of ethics, and what you feel is right even if it doesn’t feel logically explainable, you are trusting your intuition.
It means going against the grain even when your yes makes not an ounce of sense to anyone else.
Conscious and independent discernment is looking at both your inner world and the outer world and thinking, “hmm… what do I know to be true underneath all of the noise?”
Trusting your intuition means really listening to what it shares and then doing it.
Carving out time every morning to meditate. Moving to a city you’ve never visited. Breaking up with a toxic friend. Quitting drinking. Leaving veganism to eat meat again. Choosing to say with your partner even after they cheated. Going no contact with your family. Giving your child up for adoption.
You. Always. Have. A choice. Always. At the end of the day, only you really know what’s right and in your best interest.
You get to take the time you need to make the decisions. Look for the signs and clues. Wiggle into what feels like a full body yes to you.
Listen to others and gather information and then turn inwards and think, “to me, does this feel true?”
Then, do.
Okay, so now, how the heck do you do all this?
Well, you begin. You get to know yourself. You spend time hanging out with your body. You get jiggy with your intuition. You strap on your arm floaties and dip your toe into the deep end (or cannonball in).
Here’s the thing: you’re the only one who’s going to know the right way to do it for you. No one else has the answers—they live inside of you.
And if you’re wishing someone would give you a place to start at least, well, you can take this quiz to find out how much you trust your intuition.