Navigate life transitions seamlessly,
make decisions calmly & confidently,
and fall in love with the many parts of you.

The Six-Step Process to Go from Stuck, Hopeless, and Overwhelmed to Profoundly Connected to Yourself as You Make Your Dreams Your Reality in 12-Weeks
Pechstein (1922).
If you’re an indecisive people-pleasing perfectionist, you’ve probably memorized every piece of self-help content you’ve been able to get your hands on in an attempt to finally achieve happiness and make your existential dread ancient history.
But here’s what you might not know:
Yes, you can stay on auto-pilot, blindly following the advice you read in spiritual self-help books and perfectly executing every 28-day TikTok challenge that promises to "totally change your life…"
... but you'll always feel like you’re spinning on a cosmic hamster wheel, never getting closer to that elusive "happily ever after," wondering if you’re the problem. Or worse, you’ll quit it all and resign yourself to your (uninspiring) fate.
It doesn't have to end that way.
But until you learn how to build an ever-evolving process that’s customized to support, grow, and transform with you, you’re just going to keep wasting more time, money, and energy trying without ever getting the meaningful change you actually want.
The secret formula you’re looking for comes from within—and it has to do with a little concept called the Five Spiritual Parts of the Self.
Imagine what your life will look like when you’ve befriended all Five Spiritual Parts of the Self:
You feel safe and grounded in your body and life.
Wake up every morning feeling excited to begin, knowing you have a day ahead that feels balanced and expansive. Even when life inevitably throws you a curve ball, you know how to re-anchor yourself and take action to take to prioritize your well-being so you can feel calm and secure in yourself.
You always have your own back and trust that no matter what happens, you're going to be okay (more than okay, you’re going to be thriving).
No matter what crossroad you find yourself at, big or small, you dream as wildly and outrageously as possible knowing that you are actively creating a life of joy and harmony. You're able to trust yourself to take chances because you know when you land on the path that's true to you, you'll feel truth tingles straight down to your bones. Even in moments of absolute chaos, you have the tools to navigate through it to the very best of your ability. You stand up for yourself, prioritize your well-being, and really believe that you are worthy of goodness.
You calmly and confidently make the right decisions for you.
Whether it’s deciding whether to go out on a Friday night or stay in, to ask for the promotion or leave for a better position, or to stay in the city or move to the countryside, you make every decision in your life knowing that it’s the right one for you. You have an unwavering sense of trust in yourself, and you know that your choices are constantly crafting an even more dreamy reality. You take into consideration other people’s opinions but, at the end of the day, you do what you know is best for you.
You take big swings and it pays off, because you know that failure isn’t an option ('cause failure isn’t real.)
In every moment, you know that your success is inevitable because you’ve crafted your own definition of success. You look at life with curiosity and when you hit road blocks, you see them as new opportunities—"this or something better." Instead of being fixated on the outcome of your choices, you are in flow with your perfect process that grows with you. When change inevitably shows up at your doorstep, you laugh and dramatically sigh, knowing that it’s going to take you on your next thrilling and fulfilling adventure. #noragrets
The truth is for most PPPs (People-Pleasing Perfectionists),
other people's rigid and hyper-specific step-by-step self-help processes never get them what they desire—the unwavering confidence, unbreakable self-trust, and success-guaranteed results that come with a well-lived life.
Achieving your goals and loving yourself through the process isn’t about robotically checking off tasks—true success comes from experimenting with your own approach, evolving your understanding of who you are, and being fully present with what feels right for you.
Real growth means making “mistakes” and then reflecting on how to soulfully realign next time. Avoiding failure only robs you of the joy of creating a personalized process that evolves with you.
As a PPP, you already know what you should be doing, and what you could and would be doing if the circumstances were just right and you were someone different. Self-help books and habit challenges often reinforce what you’ve been told by nearly every authority figure since birth—that you need to change who you are to fit someone else’s definition of success.
But true fulfillment comes from following your heart and transforming your world into one that works for you.
When you “trust” yourself, it doesn’t go the way you want. When you trust someone else’s process, it also doesn’t work.
Lichtenshein (1963).
You’ll stay paralyzed with indecision until you realize that what you’re trusting isn’t yourself—you’re listening to what your brain tells you you should do.
Your brain, like the organic computer it is, is designed to memorize and operate based on what society preaches, and you’ve internalized beautifully.
However, these societal scripts your brain’s running aren’t your true intelligence. It’s time to hear and listen to your own voice of wisdom—your intuition. When you do so, your brain will have new information to replace in the old, faulty operating system. Your intuition is there, just waiting for you to create the space to tune in.
Abularach (1966).
You have the incredible gift of deciding to take the reigns of your life, craft your own definition of success, define your own self-worth, and learn what makes you YOU.
The first step to know what’s for you is knowing what is really freaking not—which you already do!
You also know what the outcome of the 583-step plans will give you—you’re not chasing the result, you’re searching for how you’ll feel when you get it.
The best news about those desired feelings of excitement, bliss, peace, and confidence? They exist within you right here, right now.
When you take action and make choices that align with those desired feelings, not only will every decision you make feel intuitively right to you, but you will just keep falling more and more in love with yourself.
Nope! Part of the job description of being human means having a brain and nervous system that gets knocked off kilter. Your brain is designed to solve problems and keep you alive. The most fulfilled people experience the full range of the emotional spectrum and know deep down in their bones that they’re okay, even if they’re not okay right now.
Nothing is certain, and this is actually the best thing!
Moments of transition are inherently blind portals of possibility. The happiest people aren’t certain that their choices are going to make the outcome they desire happen are actually the happiest people. They know that there’s so much that they don’t currently know and the choice they think is a mistake just might be the greatest blessing in sheep’s clothing.
The paths to self-love and success are not linear. There’s no divinely prescribed order where you have to pass go to collect your spiritual $200. No one, and I mean no one, has mastered them. The most content people who love themselves regardless and give themselves the flexibility to be in a constant state of transformation and growth. And here’s the thing, your definition of success and the life you want are also going to change over time—give yourself permission to enjoy and cherish your present.
You. Are. Not. Broken. I know it feels like it right now, but there is nothing wrong with you. The reason you can’t find a job that doesn’t burn you out is not because you actually accidentally sneezed on a priest when you were 13 months old. The Universe does not require you to sacrifice and repent to reward you with what you want. You define your own worth, success, love, and acceptance and in doing so will get you the bliss you’re seeking in the present.
J.R. Osgood & Co (1892).
Tall Chris.
Koshiro onchi.
I’m not here to solve all your problems. This program doesn’t have all the answers you’re seeking. Metamorphosis is the program to dial up your intuition so that you can learn how to find your own answers.
At the end of the day, you are the one who changes your life.
“Metamorphosis increased my understanding of what it means to feel grounded - being less reactive, acting with more intuitive alignment, and freedom to shift perspectives in a way that benefits the greatest version of yourself. The practice translates to positive growth to in all directions.”
“I changed jobs and got out of a very toxic work environment. I learned that my definition of power can be different than the stereotype. It was powerful to be part of a group where people have similar intentions and goals and healing paths, and also have different experiences. It was fun to share celebrations with others for the ways they transformed too. New doors and worlds opened up for me through being a part of Ashley’s Metamorphosis. I’m so thankful for it.”
Erin D.
“My biggest takeaway from Metamorphosis is that I can listen to my intuition and hear all the different versions of Self. I can make decisions for myself to make the life I’ve always wanted. I got an incredible job that makes me feel safe and ease. I quit a very terrible, toxic, unhealthy job that I was at for 8 years. I stepped into my calm confident self which is my highest and best self. Now, I am calm confident in the face of chaos. I could never have done any of this before Metamorphosis and Ashley.”
Hannah W.

The Six-Step Process to Go from Stuck, Hopeless, and Overwhelmed to Profoundly Connected to Yourself as You Make Your Dreams Your Reality in 12-Weeks
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned in five years of blending neuroscience and spirituality to create a method to help you trust your intuition, feel somatically safe, and confidently make decisions for maybe the first time in your life.
von Stockhausen (1951).
This is a space for you to believe you.
The most successful way to conquer indecision, negative self-talk, and the shameful fear spiral is to accept yourself and your intuition, without judgement, exactly where you are. True breakthroughs happen when you listen to and believe in yourself.
You don’t have to get it right.
There’s no "right" way to do this. In my experience, the only way to find your “oh my god YES” is by defining your “uh huh NOPE.” This program is designed for you to get it wrong so you can discover what’s authentically right. You’ll learn the deets, get infuriatingly stuck, have a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde moment, contemplate an exorcism, dump a bucket of Florida Water over your head, and move forward—imperfectly, but in a way that feels good to you. After all, this is the place for you to redefine what right means to you.
(And psst… doing it imperfectly means you’re actually doing this thing called humanity perfectly.)
This is just the beginning.
Meeting the Five Parts of the Self and your Spirit Guide is just the beginning of taking confident, intuitive action and falling in love with yourself. Metamorphosis is a 101 course on how to turn life transitions into portals of transformation. You will the foundations and some tools to you trust your intuition and—your present and your future are where you get to continuously craft your soul’s perfect process.
It’s built to custom fit you.
You get to decide what kind of experience you want and have the capacity for. Metamorphosis is designed to fit your life exactly as it is—you can ask questions in every class and blow up the group chat or you can just show up off camera and journal behind the scenes. This also might shift from week to week. No matter how you engage with Metamorphosis, it will still transform your life, and I’ll be there with you every step of the way, guiding you, cheering you on, and helping you if you get stuck.
You will learn to connect to the present version of you and create safety somatically in your life by regulate your nervous system so you can unlock your intuition.
Regulate your nervous system with breath work, grounding meditation, and somatic practices
Protect your own energy with guided visualization so you know what are your feelings and what aren’t
Connect to the Line of Self to feel anchored internally
Develop discernment through intuitive yes & no practice
Learn how to automatic write to hear and process intuitive information and to transform the unconscious and conscious mind
Develop the Clairs (intuitive and psychic senses) to awaken personal relationship with intuition
You will meet your Spirit Guide(s) and discover your soul’s safe place to build spiritual resources that will support and protect you as you move through life intuitively.
Understand different types of spiritual guides and entities and how to work with them
Discover your Place in Nature—your spiritual safe place where you can regulate nervous system, receive spiritual support, and divine protection
Learn how to meet your Spirit Guides and why they are essential for safety and discernment
Learn how to decipher spiritual and intuitive information from Spirit Guides
You will meet your Younger Self, craft a customized self-care practice, become the safe place younger you needed, and remember your most innocent gifts and dreams.
Learn who the inner children & younger selves are and how to work with them
Learn a guided meditation to meet your Inner Child
Understand the core wound and how to meet your own needs
Discover practices and techniques to care for and love self with inner child
Remember what your most innate gifts are and reclaim your innocence
Receive a guided meditative healing
You will meet your Higher Self, see yourself for who you truly are, create personalized affirmations, unlock your potential, and discover proof of your innate goodness and worthiness.
Understand the realms of existence and how to travel between them (upper, middle, and lower worlds)
See your true identity and claim your innate gifts without judgement
Learn how to develop your own affirmations that actually work part 1
Transform your self-talk part 1
Discover proof in your present life of how you're already in alignment with your gifts and purpose
Understand how to see the good and potential in hardship
Receive a guided meditative healing to awaken your Higher Self
You will meet your Shadow Self, illuminate your fear and shame to transmute it into love and pleasure, and learn how to view the darkest parts of you as the greatest portals to freedom.
Develop affirmations that actually work, part 2
Transform your self-talk, part 2
Learn how to transform fear & shame into pleasure & love
Illuminate your limiting beliefs
Learn a four-step process to transform and integrate your shadow self to liberate yourself and manifest your dreams
Understand why your shadows are your allies
Craft your own structure of balance in your life through intuition & shadow work
Receive a guided meditative healing to alchemize your shadows
You will meet your Future Self, witness what’s possible after all of the work you've just done, and see the future where your dreams are your reality.
Understand the different types of time and how you can use them to make decisions and speed up timing (past & future)
Learn about divine timing and how to work with it
See your Future Self and learn how to work with it to create your dream life
Understand how to create SMART goals that actually work for you (and that'll you stick with)
Learn how to work with all five Spiritual Parts of Self and your Spirit Guides at once, in real time
Set powerful intentions for the future and the next season of you life
nanao (1968).
Matisse (1948).
“My experience with Metamorphosis was truly magical. Ashley's gentle approach helped me connect with myself on a profound level. I learned to embrace every aspect of my being with love and acceptance, breathing new life and love into each version of myself which has created a more positive and enriching present experience. Metamorphosis is a transformative journey of self-discovery that has the power to change lives. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking to unlock their full potential and embrace the beauty of their own metamorphosis.”
“I really feel like Metamorphosis came into my life at such a pivotal point- many life changing redirections came to me while I was in metamorphosis, and I feel like I would have really struggled to welcome those changes without the support and grounding influence that this group was to me. Ashley is an amazing force to be reckoned with- gentle like water, but grounded and consistent in such a comforting way. She’s so gentle that at times I felt like nothing was happening for me- only to realize later how profound and deeply her wisdom and practices had impacted me. The things I’ve learned in Metamorphosis have only grown and expanded over time- the learning I did in this program didn’t end at the end of the sessions. Ashley’s intuition is always on point, and she expertly balanced tending to the group while also prioritizing each individual. A perfect balance of community without ever feeling lost in the group. I’m so grateful for the time spent with Ashley and the group- I will remember this forever and I’m so excited to see how these lessons unfold for me over time.”
Rachel S.
“I connected deeper with myself. I’ve done inner child, higher self, and other healing work but this was different. The weeks of intentional time and connection with others about this type of transformation helped give space for it. I connected with and named guides which has been huge and amazing for me. I experienced different versions of my higher self which I’ve never seen before, and opened up a whole new world. I changed jobs and got out of a very toxic work environment. I learned that my definition of power can be different than the stereotype. Working with Ashley helped me see these things, and connecting with the other people in the group amplified it all. It was powerful to be part of a group where people have similar intentions and goals and healing paths, and also have different experiences. It was fun to share celebrations with others for the ways they transformed too.”
Erin D.
Structure of each class
(Education around who, what, where, when, why of Spiritual Parts)
We will begin every class by checking-in and then deep diving into the content of each week (think: who, what, where, when, why, and how).
(Guided meditative journeys)
After we’ve covered all of the educational content, we will enter into meditation. I will guide unique journeys where you will travel in meditation to meet the different parts of your self and your spirit guides. You will have your own unique experience of each meditative journey that will allow you to communicate with the spiritual parts and your spirit guides. This process will awaken
(Automatic Writing)
Once we’ve completed the first guided meditative journey, you will journal about everything you saw and experienced. I will provide specific journal prompts each time to guide your reflection and processing. In Metamorphosis, you will learn a certain type of journaling called automatic writing, which is exactly like it sounds—you will write faster than you can think (automatically) so it all just flows straight through you on to the page.
We will rotate back and forth between See It to Believe It and Process It to Integrate It a couple times each class.
(Energy Work / Reiki)
After we’ve finished the guided meditative journeys and automatic writing practices, you will take sometime to process everything you’ve experienced. During this time, I will offer group energy work and Reiki to support you releasing whatever is no longer serving you and integrate all the new and juicy feelings and experiences within you. Yes, it works at a distance. I know, wild. Still blows my mind.
(Weekly Oath-Keeping Practices + Worksheets, Weekly Readings for Each Participants for Personalized Intuitive Support)
At the end of each session, we will take some time to share experiences, anything that’s immediately coming up, and for you to receive any support you might need.
In-between sessions, I will send you suggested practices (not-homework homework) and journal prompts to help you continue to move through and process your experience and bring it into your life. Make them your own and get creative with them. After all, you know what you need best.
We will also meet weekly for a 1-hour group coaching call so you can ask any questions that came up in that week’s class or after. In these calls, I will also pull cards for everyone in the group to offer great insight and clarity

Stress-Free 100% Back Money Guarantee
If Metamorphosis just isn’t working for you or you’re not in the place you thought you would be, no sweat. Just let us know within 30 days. As long as you’ve come to all the sessions and completed all the homework, we will refund you or give you the option to pause and join a future program. It’s most important to us that you do what’s best for you.
Dove, (1929).
Here’s What You Get When You Join
Immediate access to an exclusive library of resources (meditations, journaling practices, and suggested books to read) for you to begin your journey right then and there.
The link to join the Geneva group chat where you’ll start connecting with your fellow group members.
The calendar invites and Zoom links so you never have to worry about missing a weekly class or group integration call.
The link to schedule your 30-minute intuitive tarot reading and coaching session with Ashley to clarify your goals for Metamorphosis and set yourself up for success.
“Open yourself to the experience, even if it feels daunting or uncertain. Embrace your fears, for they often signal areas ripe for growth. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, as it is through vulnerability that true transformation occurs. Stay authentic to who you are; this journey is yours alone, and authenticity will guide you. Trust in the process, knowing that the universe has led you here for a reason. Seek support from those who join you on this journey and practice self-compassion as you navigate the challenges and triumphs of your metamorphosis.”
I’m so glad you asked!
You'll spend 3 hours in live calls: a 2-hour weekly class and 1-hour group coaching call. The take-home oath-keeping practices and worksheets should take about 30 minutes to an hour over the course of the week.
This is a pick your own adventure so at the end of the day, anything more than 4 hours a week is up to you! It’s normal if the amount of time you spend fluctuates with your life.
Absolutely! Regardless if you've never meditated or think chakras are a type of food, you're in the perfect spot. I'll teach you every concept, technique, and practice from scratch — all you need to do is show up with an open and curious mind!
You'll walk away knowing how to make confident decisions you trust moment-by-moment, connect with your spirit guides through meditation, and transform challenges into opportunities.
Your unique results naturally depend on your participation and choices. Sometimes, the specific outcomes you were initially dreaming of (like dramatically quitting your soul-crushing job, moving across the country to start fresh, or manifesting your perfect partner) evolve during the program. As you strengthen your intuitive gifts and inner knowing, you might discover an even more aligned solution or uncover a completely unexpected path that feels absolutely perfect for you.
Plus, you’ll have made friends with a community of people just as passionate about living an intuitive and limitless life right alongside you.
There’s a 30-day money back guaranteed! In order to keep the group tight and support you following through on your goals, we strongly encourage completing the program once you’ve begun. If there are extenuating circumstances, you can of course reach out to me. We’ll work together to find a solution that feels best to you, even if it is joining another future group.
Not at all! While we encourage showing up on camera for the full experience, some days you just need to wrap yourself in a blanket and absorb. Listen in camera-off mode whenever you need - we trust you know what works best for your learning.
Every class and group integration call is recorded and uploaded to the group’s private portal within 24 hours. You can catch up when it works for you before the following week.
Metamorphosis is designed to meet you wherever are in the wild rollercoaster that is the human experience. Just showing up is enough.
Item descWe really encourage participants to share their experiences — it can feel so validating to realize you’re not making the wild vision you had meditation up and that you’re not alone. Connecting with the group brings a lot of depth to your experience and vulnerability builds confidence and courage but there's never any pressure. If you need, you can skip sharing or send me your thoughts privately. This space is yours to open up at your own speed.ription
If we run out of time in class, you can bring them to the weekly group coaching call or or post in the dedicated questions thread. The why is so important, so feel free to put on your toddler hat and ask all the questions. Ashley will offer resources and answer the best she can. The more questions the better!
1000% Bring snacks, multiple beverages, or even have dinner while listening.
You’ll have access to additional support in the group coaching calls every week (we’ll decide on a day once the group begins) in addition to the group chat and messaging with Ashley. If you’re still need more guidance, you can always reach out to Ashley and inquire about additional 1:1 coaching work.
All program materials - recordings, worksheets, meditations - are yours for life. I'll give you plenty of notice and download options if anything needs to change down the line. After graduation, keep using your intuitive tools daily: check in with your spirit guides, revisit your favorite practices, and watch any class again when you need a refresh.
Think of it like having a spiritual reference library that grows with you as you continue discovering what lights you up and what you're ready to let go.
Think of your brain and body as natural allies in your spiritual growth. When you practice grounding exercises and guided meditations, you're teaching your nervous system it's safe to trust your intuition. Each time you breathe deeply, journal your insights, or connect with your spirit guides, you're creating new neural pathways that make self-trust and inner wisdom your default setting. It's like building a bridge between your analytical mind and intuitive knowing — the science of brain plasticity meets the magic of spiritual practice!
Just Zoom and access to our online portal (hosted on Notion). Don't worry if you feel technologically inept — Ashley will walk you through everything in your first class. If your internet drops or Zoom acts up (Mercury Retrograde’s in March soo…), you can always email Ashley, join by phone or catch the recording later.
The 12 weeks gives you a in depth toolkit to work with your patterns — instead of erasing them, you’ll transform them. You'll gain new ways to recognize and respond to old habits, plus practical tools to build self-trust and make aligned choices.
While some patterns might shift quickly, others take longer to transform — and that's 150% comletely normal.
The key is learning to work with your patterns instead of fighting them. You'll leave Metamorphosis with strategies you can use for years to come, whether a pattern needs weeks or a decade to evolve.
There’s about an hour a week of additional homework that is designed to help you implement the strategies and learnings into your life.
For example, during the Younger Self week, you’ll get to make a self-love bingo card based on all the info your younger self shared in the guided meditation and spend your week checking off as many boxes as you can! there’s no “right” way to complete the homework nor is anything being graded.
You can think of it as participation credit, by doing it, you’re doing it right! the homework is designed to be fun so you’ll want to do it and actually enjoy it.
American 20th Century (1960s).
Here’s What You Get When You Join
Immediate access to your cohort’s portal filled with an exclusive library of resources (meditations, journaling practices, DIY intuitive workshops, and a list of suggested reading)
(12) weekly 2-hour classes where you’ll learn all the content and deep dive in guided meditation
(10) weekly 1-hour group integration calls where you will receive additional support and time to connect with other members of the group
The calendar invites for weekly class so you never accidentally miss
Access to the cohort’s private group chat on Geneva
(1) 30-minute intuitive tarot reading and coaching session with Ashley to clarify your goals for Metamorphosis and set yourself up for success
(1) 30-minute intuitive tarot reading and coaching session with Ashley to integrate and plan for what’s next at the end of Metamorphosis
Weekly oath-keeping worksheets to craft your own physical process
Start strengthening your intuition! You trusted that this felt right for you and then you took action—that’s the foundation of intuitive decision-making.
Connect with a cohort of other wonderful humans who are just as passionate and committed to personal transformation and intuitive growth as you are
Learn how to design a self-care practice and day-to-day process that works for your body, mind, and soul
Learn how to automatic write to transform your mind and life
“It was one of the best decisions I have ever made to take the class. I was initially hesitant to commit to 12 weeks and spend that money on myself but I am so glad I did. I learned so much that I didn't know was true about me and spirituality and emotionally, I can honestly say it changed my life. I'm excited for the first time to live and love my life.”
Sara B.
“My experience in Metamorphosis was transformational. I am seeing that now more than ever being out of the program and continuing to integrate all I learned and keep practicing. The meditations were powerful and impactful, the playlists were spot on, and the learning was beyond what I could have imagined. New doors and worlds opened up for me through being a part of Ashley’s metamorphosis. I’m so thankful for it.”
Erin D.
“Metamorphosis helped me to become more intimate with myself. It allowed me to recognize and release blocks I had within. I trust my intuition more now than I ever had before. The biggest change for me was feeling more motivated to chase after my dreams. I have started the process of obtaining my masters degree.”
Danielle M.
Borofvsky (1989).
Matisse (1905).
This PROGRAM is perfect for you if…
□ Spend 3 hours crafting the "perfect" text to your friend about canceling plans, then feel guilty for the next 2 days
□ Know you’re intuitive but find it impossible to trust yourself when push comes to shove
□ Struggle to wake up feeling excited about the day, often feeling cranky in the mornings
□ Have 6 unfinished certification courses, 3 half-written novel concepts, and a drawer full of art supplies you bought during various "this is my calling!" phases
□ Feeling like you’ve lost touch with your identity and interests after being in long-term relationships and are your "re-discovering me" era
□ Keep dating people who are "almost right" because you think being too picky means you'll end up alone so you settle even though it never works
□ Have 7 different meditation apps you never use because you're "too anxious to meditate"
□ Follow a BUNCH of spiritual Instagram accounts but get really overwhelmed by all the "manifest your soulmate by drinking moon water" advice
□ Can’t figure out how to make the Law of Attraction actually work
□ Have a "weird feeling" about your job but push it down because the benefits are good and "everyone hates their job sometimes"
□ Want to quit your corporate job to start your own business but frozen by the thought of what your parents/partner/friends will think
□ Find yourself taking on coworkers' emotional burdens and staying late to help them, then feeling resentful
□ Realize you've been in "survival mode" for months, but can't see how to get out
□ Have moved cities 3 times in 5 years thinking "new place, new me" but keep recreating the same patterns
□ Find it difficult to trust your intuition and inner voice instead of seeking validation and approval from others
□ Spend your Sunday nights doom-scrolling Instagram until 1:47am, comparing yourself to your college roommate who seems to be thriving in the "perfect life" in foggy San Francisco
□ Have 14 self-help books on your nightstand but can't seem to actually implement any of their advice
□ Want to be a part of the change you want to see in the world but have no idea how to make it happen
□ Get vulnerability hangovers like clock work after you hang out with a new friend, “should I have phrased it like that? I definitely shared too much and now they despise me?”
□ Have a whole album in your phone’s photo library of angel numbers and other signs from The Universe but feel like you never interpret them correctly
□ Stay at the party 87 minutes longer than you want to because you're worried about seeming "antisocial", but then need 2.5 business days to recharge
□ Notice you get migraines every time you have lunch with your high school friend who trauma dumps, but feel guilty setting boundaries
□ Feeling overwhelmed by your strong emotions and intuitive knowings, get sucked into your feelings, and then regret your decisions later